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Blog de travelink
09 de Abril, 2009 · General

Easter Weekend.

Sit back and take a load off weary backpacker, this is Easter weekend. That means all the great vacationing is going on right now. Get out of the city and into - wait, Cordoba! Everyone's favorite travel getaway for Easter are the towns only a few hours away, just like cordoba. It's a great time to enjoy the laid back atmosphere of one of Argentina's most beautiful cities. Estancias, parillas and pick up games of soccer abound. Enjoy the sun and relax in goregous Cordoba!
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publicado por travelink a las 17:49 · 1 Comentario  ·  Recomendar
02 de Abril, 2009 · General

Backpacking Cordoba

Cordoba has amazing sites and sounds for the eager backpacker. When you're traveling to Cordoba on your backpacking trip to Argentina, take the opportunity to do some camping. Cordoba has some great hostels to choose from, but you can also enjoy the summer nights by going with a tent and backpack!

Enjoy some of the parks and camp sites around the city.
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publicado por travelink a las 19:43 · 1 Comentario  ·  Recomendar
19 de Marzo, 2009 · General

Do you want the full deal?

We wanted to learn a little more about Cordoba and was surprised about how much there was about out favorite tiny little town. Check out what we learned! We couldn't possilby transfer all the great info we took in during our read... but we do believe in knowing something about the places you'll be visiting. Check it out!
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publicado por travelink a las 16:49 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
11 de Marzo, 2009 · General

Perfect For Summer

Cordoba is the perfect location for summer beach trips. Lots of people from Buenos Aires head to Cordoba to lounge on the river beach. It's a very laid back and great break from the busy city. It's a great way to spend a weekend with friends.
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publicado por travelink a las 16:59 · 1 Comentario  ·  Recomendar
05 de Marzo, 2009 · General

My favorite way to book hostels

Do you need a hostel in South America? Well, my favorite hosteling network is MiniHostels. You can access their site by going to The hostels there are exactly the kind of places you're looking for in a vacation. Sizeable, clean, comfortable and just amazing. No extreme party hostels no super cheap dingy hostels - simply the best. Its my recommendation for anyone traveling and hosteling throughout South America.
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publicado por travelink a las 15:21 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
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Carlos Genus

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